The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

you followJesus' example, serving others by responding to conflict in a healthy, godlymanner. Pray that you might not become easily offended, and that you might avoid offending oth­ ers.When conflict does arise, ask God to fill you with forgiveness and acceptance, rather than defensiveness and retaliation. A defensive leader will be ineffective, receiving little or no authority from God. A leader must learn to give his or her life away to people, even when those people respond with slights and insults.Ask for eyes to see the offenders asJesus told us to view our enemies, returning blessings for curses. Pray for initiative as a peacemaker� to see each conflict through to true resolution. Please understand, serving does not mean giving away your leadership.There is a big dif­ ference between lording it over people (an expression of fear) and exercising authority (an expression of secure, bumble servanthood). Either extreme-lording or failing to lead­ causes disunity and loss of respect.Ask God to help you find the healthy middle ground: lead­ ing without lording.

4. How, specifically, might youpray, in order to attain the heart and conduct ofa ser­ vant leader?

Mark 10:42-45

Romans 14:19


1 Peter 5:1-3

C. Pray for love for people. If you accept God's help with loving especially those who are not lovely, you will do an excellentjob with all the rest.Pray for your communication, that your followers might know their shepherd's voice and bear clearly a message of love. With difficult people, God is trusting you with your greatest opportunities for growth and increased impact, because your dealings with these people provide the litmus test by which your leadership authority will be evaluated.Here is where your authority is either proven and matured ...or diminished and lost.Authority is a loaded gun, and God won't give it to any-

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