The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

one who doesn't know how to use it in submission to Hirn.

5. Read john 10:2-3, 11-13. What can you ask God to help you do-and avoid-in order tofollowJesus' example as a good shepherd?

D. Pray for holiness-not just for holy actions, but for holy character, in keeping with the character of the Godwho lives within you (Ephesians 4:22-24). Seek to be guided by conviction of God's truth, not by the opinions of men (Matthew15:1-20, 23:25-28). Pray that your private life would be worthy of authority from God, because private con­ duct is the true measure of your trustworthiness. When temptation ambushes you, ask God for wisdom to find the escape hatch He promises, and pray for the power to walk through it, that you might maintain purity and holiness (1 Corinthians10:13). A key to holiness is healthy self-examination in God's presence, resulting in confession and repentance. There are two opposite errors to avoid here. On the onehand, beware of false guilt. Look inside for specific sin, and when you find it, confess it and receive cleansing. On the other hand, watch for superficiality and denial about your sin, which allow sin to grow to the point of self-destruction. The freedom and power that come through humble honestyand forgiveness are well worth the discomfort of confession. I've found journaling to be a helpful method of self-examination. 6. Read the prayer in Psalm 139:23-24 slowly a few times. Stop to consider each phrase:, meaning. SJ>eak each phrase from your heart to God He will honor this prayer coming from an honest heart. IfGod's Spirit brings to mind specific sins you have done, then turn next to 1 john 1:7-9, and read it carefully. If it is your desire to be cleansed and fo1p,iven, then men­ tally step into the light before God and confess (literally ''agree about'') your sin to Him. The instant you do this, God guarantees that you are completely cleansed of that sin. T7Jis passage implies that confession is an ongoing, repeated habit that we need tomain­ tain as new sins come to light. E. Pray for responsibility. Everything a leader does has an impact on evetyone he is leading, even if no one recognizes it. The repercussions of the leader's conduct and character spread far and wide, and last through generations and centuries. Pray that you might become more conscientious about your lifestyle. Ask God to sustain in you a holy fear that will keep you walking with Him, trusting with complete dependence

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