The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

convictions and commitment<;, not on the basis of circumstances and convenience. A faith­ ful man or womanmakes and keeps commitments-including and especially the commit­ ment to prayer. Pray that your disciplinedlifestyle will give security and comfort to thoseunder your care. People need leaders, and they want to follow, but they are reluctant to follow leaders who make them nervous. Be patient; keep living faithfully, and the trust will come. In your requests for faithfulness, it is healthy to be a "wholist." Pray for faithfulness and commitment across the spectrum of life-physically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially.

2. Consider the security youfeel as a result of God's faithfulness (Deuteronomy 7:9). How does thL� help you understand yourfollowers' need for yourfaithfulness?

3. How might each of these passages help you shape your prayersfor faithfulness?

Matthew 24:45-47, 25:21

1 Samuel 2:35

1 Corinthians 4:1-2

1 Jfozothy 1:12

2 Timothy 2:2

B. Pray for a servant's heart. A servant's heart is measured best by the way we respond to tough relational issues between ourselves and those under our care. When Jesus uses the term "servant," it is commonly misinte1vreted to mean the one who is called on whenever the toilet becomes clogged, doing the kinds of things a servant does. In reality,Jesus usually used the term in the context of conflict to describe a relational attitude. God can help

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