The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Once we have moved the hand of God in the spiritual realm,

we must move the church in the physical realm. The follow-up

to successful prayer is the church launching its ground war to

take the land for the Kingdom.

The church can start ministries, such as after-school Bible

clubs to reach the children of addicted parents. Or it can launch

outreach to gang members — visiting gang leaders and gang

members in prison. The church can attack systemic poverty by

setting up job training and similar community programs.

Because the air war is won, we can move into Satan-held

regions with the power to manifest the kingdom of God, bringing

spiritual and social transformation.

Will Satan push back? Yes. Can he use real bullets? Again,

yes; but it is up to us to be willing to pay the price, move in

Jesus’ bl ood-bought position of authority, and secure the


Satan cannot use the power of binding and loosing against us.

He is left with weapons of fear, hate, deception, and inflicting

pain in the hearts of people. He can stir up persecution, or throw

up roadblocks of opposition and frustration. But a determined,

united, praying, and Spirit-empowered church ultimately will

overcome those obstacles.

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