The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
to minister within an inner-city neighborhood. You move into the
neighborhood and begin to spiritually survey what is going on.
You identify where Satan has established strongholds of sin,
such as drug addiction, gang activity, poverty, or sex trafficking.
You know that God’s will is to destroy such wor ks of the devil
(1 John 3:8). So you gather God’s people to pray, and you
target key drug lords, gangs, or pimps. With fervent, persistent
prayer you take authority over these evil leaders and their
groups —“binding” their work and forbidding it to continu e. You
can also “loose” law enforcement to come and break up these
evil organizations.
In operating this way you focus the shaking God desires for that
inner city. You are God’s agent , targeting where the force of His
heavenly shaking will have a direct impact.
This is much like the picture I gave you in the previous chapter
of a surgeon identifying a malignancy in a human body and
cutting it out. It is not negative; rather, it is a positive targeting
of evil to the end that the whole community will see the power
and goodness of the Lord.
Taking Action
Along with targeted prayer must come targeted action, to
capitalize on the prayer efforts.
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