The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

…turn this man over to Satan f or the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord… (1 Cor. 5:5)

Even in the harsh action of turning someone over to the full

consequences of their sin, God’s hope is that they will cry out

for His forgiveness and help. Sometimes pain is the only voice

that can get through to us when we need to turn around.

I n this man’s life , that is exactly what happened. The person

singled out by Paul for church discipline later repented,

abandoning his sinful behavior, Paul then instructed the church

to forgive, embrace, and pastor him back to spiritual health (2

Cor.2 :4-8). The man’s suffering had shaken him awake to his

need of God’s grace and love.

Praise God that the church has been given power to bless,

forgive, and restore. Living in the New Covenant of Jesus Christ

cultivates a divine hedge around all who fear Him and seek to

live for him (Ps. 31:19). When the Holy Spirit steps into families,

cities and nations through a revived and committed church, it

extends life, healing, and blessings to a fallen world (Gen.


There is authority to destroy the works of evil, heal the effects

of sin, and release the life-giving resurrection presence of God.

When the world gets sick and tired of the consequences of evil,

and sees the church living out the kingdom of God in all its

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