The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

peace, joy, and goodness, then nations and people will run to

God’s house.

God is not to blame for all the painful shakings of people and

nations. In truth, the blame rests on Satan and on people

themselves. But God’s love , and readiness to forgive and bless

in Jesus Christ, is the hope of nations.

Study and Reflection

1. What are the two ways God shakes people and nations?

2. Should God control our decisions, or let us be responsible

for our decisions? What would it mean if we had no control

over our decisions?

3. What is the difference between God’s direct shaking and

indirect shaking? Which is the Lord’s shaking of choice

today? Why?

4. What is the church's responsibility in living as a model

before a shaken world?

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