The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Again, God must allow peoples and nations the freedom to

choose evil ways. That is His nature. But He will not continue

to bless them .

As God’s hedge of protection is withdrawn, Satan and his evil

kingdom are free to move in and operate, bringing lies,

deception, and destruction (Job 1:10; Rom. 6:23). Even

unbelievers will come to recognize the negative changes, but

will not know how to deal with them.

Natural disasters and dark spiritualism can spiral upward as evil

gains a greater foothold. Immorality, social corruption, systemic

poverty, and violence can be expected to increase


But even when God must withdraw His blessings, His heart is

always to turn people and nations back to Himself. God only

gives people over to sin so that thy learn what a cruel, lying

taskmaster it is.

In one situation described in the New Testament, a member of

the Corinthian church was living an openly immoral life with his

father ’ s wife, and would not stop. Paul directed the church to

remove God’s divine blessing and protection from the person,

giving Satan free rein:

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