The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
approve of those who pract ice them.” (Rom.1:18, 29-32 emphasis added )
We find that the human heart can create its own hell on earth.
Left to its own devices, sin will grow increasingly worse and
more destructive. Once God removes His blessings upon a
person, family, or nation, then sin and its consequences bring
about their own judgment -- effecting indirect shaking that
penetrates to the very core.
The Blessing of the Lord “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD”
Psalms 33:12
When God blesses a people, He puts a hedge about them so
that evil and trouble are kept from inflicting the full devastations
that sin can bring (Job 1:10). Life still happens in all its
complexity; problems remain. But a sense of peace and order
pervades wherever God’s blessing rests. God even extends
blessings to those who are not His people, because of
righteous choices they make (Matt. 5:45).
But when people and nations give themselves over to evil, God
will begin withdrawing His protection. Believers with any
spiritual awareness start to sense the dark changes occurring
in such cultures. They see the rise of moral confusion,
brokenness of relationships, and loss of inner peace.
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