The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

A Good Question

If God’s focus in this season is not judgment, then who is

behind the calamities of war, natural disasters, corruption,

physical violence, injustice, and famine we see today?

Scripture is clear: These horrible events proceed from Satan’s

direct influence, and from the results of human sin.


It amazes me how many people overlook or are totally ignorant

of Satan and his activities. People are quick to blame God, but

give no thought to the “prince of this world.” Yet scripture is

crystal clear about the reality of Satan as the main source of

great lies, moral confusion, and evil events throughout history.

Remember that Adam and Eve ceded authority over this world

to Satan when they joined him by becoming sinners. When

Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness at the beginning of His

ministry, Satan clearly stated that all the kingdoms of humanity

had been given to him (Matt. 4:8-9). Jesus never contested that

statement. But it was not God who gave Satan this authority.

We did — though our forebears, Adam and Eve.

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