The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
destroying the life of a patient. Sometimes the doctor has to lay
hard truths on the table, force the patient to face the reality of
their situation, and move them to action while there is still time.
God is always speaking and moving in the hard things of life;
but He is rarely the agent. We live in a fallen world, one riven
by the impact of sin.
I will not be able in a single chapter to explain this deeply
complex issue; but I do need to emphasize the scriptural
message that the strategic shaking of the nations is due to
God’s actions, and is part of His plan. Let’s look more closely
look at what it means for God to shake people and nations.
Two Ways God Shakes Things Up
There are two ways in which God moves to shake people and
nations. In the previous chapter, as we examined Hebrews 4,
we came to understand the particular Scriptural use of
“shaking”: God’s action s to get people's attention — either by
withdrawing His protection from a nation, or by directly bringing
divine discipline.
Let’s call the first way indirect shaking, and the second way
direct shaking . Allow me to explain.
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