The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter Five

Who is to blame?

Before I go further, I want to deal with an elephant that may be

in the room.

I realize some readers may feel that because God is shaking

the nations, He must be responsible for the wars, famines,

earthquakes, and catastrophic storms we have experienced. I

have heard many people — in their anguish, loss, and

bitterness — blame God for their pain. And in that pain they

often ask, “H ow can we even begin to turn to a God who inflicts

such devastation in the name of drawing us to Him!”

This question echoes a well-burnished lie that the devil has

used for centuries in an effort to libel and discredit God’s love

for the world. The answer to the question is, “ No — God is not

the cause of the turmoil and suffering in the world today !” He is

not a hard-hearted judge capriciously imposing despotic

judgments on confused and hurting people.

If anything, God is weeping over the devastation that sin and

Satan are producing in humanity and in nature.

To be sure, God does directly impact people’s lives — but the

picture there is more that of a surgeon confronting a cancer

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