The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

The gospel writer Mark also refers to this increasing clash of

nations and natural disasters as the “be ginning of birth

pains. ” Birth pains grow in intensity and come more and more

quickly. Mark sees these events as preparation for the final birth

of the full physical and spiritual messianic Kingdom of God on


Zerubbabel was a picture of the coming messiah, who in the

day of worldwide shaking would become the sign of God’s

authority. Jesus through H is church will be God’s “signet ring.”

Such rings were the physical evidence of a king’s authority —

through which he literally put his stamp on any decision or


Today it is the name of Jesus that releases the power of the

Holy Spirit to accomplish the will of God on earth and in heaven.

In the time of national shakings, the church will show its seal of

heavenly authority as it reveals the supernatural kingdom of

God on earth through the name of Jesus.

These four predictions were meant to help the Jewish remnant

have faith and purpose in building the second temple. And so it

is for us today: God has promised that if we will build His true

house, the church, He will indeed draw the nations to it, bless

our lives, and make us a blessing to people wracked by the

societal and political birth pangs of national shakings.

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