The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Study and Reflection
1. Reflect on these scriptures: Hag. 2:1-5; Isa. 43:18-19 and
Matt. 9:17. When God promises something, we must not
look back to define what He will do, but instead look forward
to new ways that He will work. Principles are the same —
but not application.
2. The Jewish remnant could not go forward because they
could not see how to replicate the past glories of Solomon’s
temple. So it is with many believers today. The present
working of the church may seem too small or insignificant in
comparison with past moves of God. But scripture is clear
that God is at work and is planning to do far greater things
than we have ever seen (John 14:12). He is preparing a vast
harvest that will stretch and challenge the church in ways
never experienced. Is the church of the past the vehicle God
wants to use to complete the Great Commission?
3. Try to journal where you are right now in your thinking and
practices of doing church. Are you looking back to find your
future? Are you being stretched to go forward into new and
unknown territories? Ask God to help you see His promise
for your future. Are you willing to step out, trusting the Holy
Spirit to guide you to God’s promise?
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