The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
ways of doing church, and could not see another path to be the
church in this new environment.
As we face fresh challenges and the coming of a vast harvest,
we will find that many of our old ways will not work.
We are facing rapidly changing circumstances, and in we will
not find God’s answers by looking in our rearview mirrors. As
Isaiah declared, God is ready to do new things that we have not
seen before. What seems to be an obstacle will become a door
to new and better ways of reaching people for Christ.
Haggai was trying to get the people to look past their
circumstances to a divine promise of a better worldwide house
of God. The Lord was going to shake things up, and what had
looked impossible was going to become possible.
God does not want us to refer to old roadmaps, because in
doing so we forget our dependency on His guidance.
Where God is going is not on any map, yet.
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