The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
God wants to unleash the greatest prophetic movement ever
seen by the church, stirring millions of churches and believers
to incredible faith and miraculous works for His glory
The Elijah Movement: Raising the Prophetic Voice
The prophet Malachi declared that the Lord would again send
the prophet Elijah to restore God’s people to faithfulness to the
Lord (Mal. 4:5-6). John the Baptist was the first manifestation
of this promised visitation of the spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17;
Matt.1 7:11). But Malachi is clear that there would be a second
coming of the spirit of Elijah just before the great and terrible
day of the Lord, when Jesus would come a second time (Mal.
The Old Testament prophets did not understand that the
Messiah would come twice. They thought He would come just
one time, in a dramatic way at the end of the age, to set up the
kingdom of God on earth. And yet the Spirit of the Lord in them
did indicate a second coming of the Messiah and the spirit of
Elijah before Jes us’ final return.
The truth is that the spirit of Elijah is a work of the Holy Spirit in
reviving God's people. From the time of John the Baptist to the
final coming of Christ, the spirit of Elijah has been growing and
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