The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
reviving work of the Holy Spirit in the church. Increasingly we
see such restoration movements in church history. But
scripture is clear that there will be a finale of the Elijah spirit that
will come just before Jesus’ returns.
But why is God going to launch such a dramatic end time
prophetic movement? Because it will be needed. Scripture is
clear that many of God’s people in the last days will need to be
called out of their sin and their compromise with the world
(Rev.18:4). And there is nothing as powerful as the prophetic
A true prophetic word can pierce through the hardest heart and
change the atmosphere over cities and nations (Heb. 4:12). As
called prophetic leaders heed the voice of the Lord and submit
to His preparation, they will become an unstoppable force in
awakening the end-time church.
More needs to be said about the objectives of the ark and the
school of the prophets, but we will deal with that deeper
discussion later in this book.
These objectives are major themes that the Lord is bringing to
the worldwide church. What I call “ city arks ” are what others are
calling “apostolic focus and movements” to draw whole nations
and cities into the Kingdom of God. The Lord has simply given
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