The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

recorded and online as well as in print. But at the same time

there is a growing problem of God’s people failing to know and

practice His word.

The preaching of the Bible takes place almost every day in

pulpits and over the airwaves. Yet too many believers are not

really listening, not motivated to live out the word of God in their

lives or teach it to their children.

What is missing?

There is no life in the church. The Christian life is supposed to

be supernatural – miraculous and transforming, manifesting the

Kingdom of God. But where do we see this in the church today?

We see much talking, and fixation on religious traditions — but

little power and life in the words we speak.

If God’s people cannot get excited and committed to the gospel,

why should the world? As in Samuel’s day, God’s people need

reviving to again know and believe what is in the scriptures. We

need the fresh fire of the prophetic word of God to arise, with

miraculous anointing to awaken His people.

Prophetic leaders like David, Nathan, Elijah, and Elisha were

some of the more famous prophets that arose in Samuel’s

School. Once again, God wants to raise up thousands of

powerful prophetic voices in every nation, releasing fresh

revelation of the truth of His word to change lives and nations.

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