The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
or teaching of God’s word in that day. Israel had a cultural
religion but not a heart faith in God and His laws. People openly
worshipped the Lord but privately served others gods. It was
the responsibility of the Levitical priesthood placed among
every tribe of Israel to teach God’s word to His people and
encourage their obedience to it. But the Levites were failing to
do their job, and God’s people were drifting farther and farther
away from the Lord.
The call came to Samuel to declare God’s wor d in a fresh and
powerful way. Samuel grew in his ministry and he considered
doing something that had never been done before in Israel. He
would multiply himself and his effort by developing a prophetic
school that would train, anoint, and send hundreds of young
prophetic leaders throughout Israel to declare God’s word.
This prophetic movement put fire in God’s word and began
catching the attention of the nation. Through Samuel’s
prophetic schools, the land was increasingly filled with God’s
teaching — going out through the young prophets he trained,
inspiring a great renewal of faith.
I believe God wants to develop such a prophetic movement
Never before has there been more availability of scripture to the
church. There are Bibles in many translations and languages,
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