The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
every aspect of their cultures. It a divine momen during which
the corporate attention of a nation or city is captured with the
power of the Kingdom of God, so that the atmosphere is
softened to the gospel, and the word of God is preached
everywhere, by every means, transforming people in every
sphere of influence. Such transformations happened in
America to such an extent that there were two or three waves
of national awakenings between the 1750s and the 1850s.
But the greatest of such movements in cities and nations is yet
coming. The church today is worldwide. Never before in history
has the church penetrated every nation, and is within a decade
of having the witness of scripture in every language group in
the world. As the Lord pours out the “latter rain” of the Holy
Spirit in these coming days and as the prayer of the world
church arises under the Elijah revival and powerful apostolic
movements multiply, waves of awakenings will sweep around
the world. At that moment we will be able to truly say that the
church is discipling and baptizing the nations. We will agree
with the prophet Zechariah and Isaiah that the nations appear
as if they are “streaming into the greater house of God.”
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