The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
it convert the whole city? No, but it did “fill the city” with Jesus’
teachings, drawing hundreds into the street to receive ministry
and healing.
The city of Ephesus, one of the major economic and cultic
centers in Asia Minor, was another example of a reached city.
Paul was God’s instrument in accomplishin g this unlikely
transformation of a large Roman city (Acts 19:17, 26).
Ephesus was known as the place where the goddess Diana
was the city deity. Her temple was magnificent, an architectural
wonder. But Paul’s new apostolic strategy and work was so
powerful that the pagan craftsmen who fashioned idols of Diana
started a riot over the loss of customers honoring and buying
their statuary (Acts 19:24).
In this transformative movement the powerful occult in that city
was broken and thrown into disfavor (Acts 19:18-19). The fear
and respect of God fell on the whole city (Acts 19:17). Plus, city
and government officials had become friendly with Paul and
protected him during the riot (Acts 19:31).
The leader of the riot against Paul and his ministry had to
acknowledge that large numbers of people in the city — and all
through Asia Minor — were being drawn to this teaching. Even
the leaders of the idol-making guild were able to repeat some
of Paul’s teaching (Acts 19:26). This was a large, influential city
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