The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

the rise of a divine peace that changes the spiritual


Such a committed minority, in a given sphere, 27 when trained

to be transformative Kingdom agents under Go d’s favor , will

become “salt and light” in altering the character of a city and

nation. Is it so hard to believe that God is still raising up Daniels,

Josephs, Nehemiahs, Esthers and Pauls who impact kings and

empires? Remember, God takes ordinary people and makes

them extraordinary. Such God-touched and favored people can

do remarkable things through the Holy Spirit’s power. You add

to such leaders the prayer and ministry of “God’s awesome few”

(the ekklesia) in each sphere of influence, and nothing will be

impossible for them.

The transformation of nations and cities certainly happened in

the life and ministry of the early church. The city of Jerusalem

(Acts 5:16, 28) was reached by the early church. The whole city

was turned upside down, with thousands coming to believe in

Jesus and respecting the early church (Acts 21:20). Even many

priests were converted to Jesus as their messiah because of

the prayer and witness and power of the church (Acts 6:7). Did

27 By sphere of influence I mean the sphere of education, government, business, entertainment, science or social services. The culture of a city or nation is made up of these contributing spheres of influence. We will cover this more fully later in the chapter.

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