The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Streamlining Bible Education
It is obvious from the many apostolic leaders recorded in the
New Testament that early church leadership received ongoing
training by letter and by apostolic team leaders visiting the
many house churches.
Today, bible and ministry training can happen more rapidly
through online classes — which Paul would have envied. This
does not do away with the continuing need for in-person
training, but it does allow Bible colleges, seminaries, and
apostolic teams to give ongoing training while they continue to
expand the Kingdom of God into other locations and people
I must make clear that I am not against Bible colleges and
seminaries as such. I work for a Bible college at this moment.
But like the churches they serve, they must share in the coming
reformation in how they train and prepare leaders to form and
lead churches.
Please hear me: The traditional western model of church
formation and training needs reformation — not elimination. We
need a fresh, inspired paradigm and deep adjustments in light
of what God is ready to do.
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