The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
How could Paul do this, considering that today we emphasize
the need for years in training leaders at distant locations, at
great cost to students and colleges? The answer is again in
how we understand biblical church formation and leadership
development, and how we trust the Holy Spirit with the church's
life and growth.
Jesus saw the church as the gathering of two or more in
agreement in the presence and leadership of the Holy Spirit
(Matt.1 8:19-20). Such churches could be started anywhere
and everywhere under the leading of young leaders who were
selected by apostolic teams.
Most of these new leaders were working people in the
community, who met the basic requirements set by Paul and
other apostolic leaders. Chiefly those requirements had to do
with the candidates’ character and spiritual gifting ,and the
recognition of their leadership by God’s people and apostolic
covering. These church leaders were expected to continue
learning as they led their church under apostolic oversight, with
the help of the five-fold gift ministries and ministerial letters
(Eph. 4:11-12).
So, the ideas of growing churches through buildings, years of
college training for leadership, student loan debts, and
developing the business skills in running an eccleseastic
corporation were never in the thinking of the early church.
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