The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

40 years of pastoring churches and 11 years as a Bible college

professor, I have come to realize we will never outpace world

population growth through the way most Bible colleges and

seminaries are training young church leaders, and the

paradigm they are giving them for founding and growing


If we truly have the goal of touching 5 billion unreached people

and overtaking the world’s population growth rate, we must

establish better training in church growth strategies and

understanding of what is an essential church.

The Essential Church

We must recapture the early church's understanding of forming

churches anywhere and everywhere, led by any biblically

qualified believer. This was the standard of the early church,

and the early church created one of the most successful

periods of church growth in the history of the church. We need

to review why .

Paul and other early apostles would set up churches and their

leadership within weeks or months, and then would leave them

in the hands of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-9; 14:23). The early

apostolic teams would then continue to train and teach through

visits and letters.

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