The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

stepping out on the promises of God, as in praying for

someone’s healing. One is an effort to obey and grow; the other

is no effort at all.

To refuse to get ready in the face of God’s call to readiness will

result in increasing spiritual blindness and insensitivity to what

God is doing. This have personal and ministry costs. That is

why God is raising up prophetic voices to awaken His people.

For those who hear and are willing to allow God to prepare

them for what He wants to do, let me offer some insights.

In Part Seven you will discover ways to personally prepare your

hearts and lives to serve God in the greatest harvest of nations.

You will also learn how the corporate church must make radical

changes in its apostolic mission to finish the Great

Commission. It is going to take the reviving of our hearts, and

of the church as a whole, to bring in this harvest of God.

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