The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Such faith has nothing to do with our ability, but with our

willingness to trust God to do what He wants to do — to

demonstrate His reality, His love and His kingdom. Faith is

more “boldness” than confidence. I know this may surprise you,

but many times a miracle happens because you faced your

fears and doubts and stepped out on God’s word.

Developing the FaithWe Have

Everything Jesus did was to reveal the Father and His love for

the world (John 3:16). But to accomplish this life goal He would

have to not only live by faith and dependency on the Holy Spirit

but pass this same faith onto His church.

As I have already pointed out, if you follow the life and ministry

of Jesus closely you will discover that one of the things He most

worked on with His disciples was their faith in Him and how they

could do what He did to glorify the father (John 1:50; 14:12). As

the disciples saw the life and works of Jesus, it began to dawn

on them that Jesus was going to expect them to live and act

like He did. They began realizing that they did not have the trust

and faith Jesus had in God. So they earnestly asked Jesus to

help them have more faith (Luke 17:5).

Jesus answered their request for more faith by telling them they

already had enough. He told them that if they had faith as small

as a mustard seed (the smallest of seeds), they could

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