The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
I decided to obey what I believed I had heard.
After we finished praying for her, I asked her if she would try to
stand up to see what God had done in response to our prayer.
She looked doubtful. I said, “Take your time.”
She hesitated. Finally she said, “Okay.” Slowly she started to
rise from the wheelchair. A surprised look came to her face.
She kept rising. Then she was standing. She began to walk
around the room. Then she started clapping her hands and
praising God!
I asked if she wanted to sit back down and rest.
“No, no!” she exclaimed. “What I want is to push this wheelchair
straight out of this room and back to my car!”
We watched in joyful amazement as the couple left, side by
side, with the woman pushing the wheelchair that had carried
her in.
Praise God, indeed. He rewarded her faith, and He rewarded
our struggling faith.
In the coming days, as God will miraculously work through
national shakings, He will draw the attention of the world by
revealing His glory through His church. We must be ready to
believe and respond with faith.
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