The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

The Wheelchair

A woman and her husband had come to our church seeking

prayer for healing. We had recently started an after-services

Sunday healing prayer ministry, and we were open to

whomever wanted to come for prayer. As we saw this woman

enter the prayer room — in a wheelchair — my faith wavered.

She began explaining how she had lost so much strength in her

legs that she could hardly stand any more. But she had heard

that we prayed for the sick, and that God heals. So, here she


She looked nervous. I felt nervous. This would be no small


Our prayer team looked to the Lord, as we always did. Then we

prayed for her, not sure what to expect. I wish I could say we

had great faith, but we began with what we had.

Then I heard in my heart, “Have her stand up and walk around.”

It was a scary thought!

I struggled with my response. How emotionally crushing would

it be if she tried to stand, but simply collapsed back into the

wheelchair? What would that do to her faith? What would it do

to the team’s faith?

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