The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

days of this age. It may be possible that some on earth will miss

the message of the two witnesses found in Revelations 11:1-6,

but nobody will miss the messages of the three angels.

We have seen jet fighters overflying the opening ceremonies of

major sporting events, like the Super Bowl – flying in formation

above a packed stadium, with a deafening roar. Those will

seem like buzzing house flies compared with the global

overflights of the Gospel Angels.

Angel One

The message of the first angel has four parts: (1) Fear God and

give him glory; (2) the proclamation of the eternal gospel to

every nation, tribe, and tongue; (3) a warning of judgment

coming on those who will not repent; (4) and a call for all to

worship him who made the heaven and the earth, sea, and

fountains of waters.

The first angel expounds the most basic truth about God as

creator and savior. As Paul states, “every person is without

excuse” to recognize that the universe has a designer (Rom.

1:19- 20).

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