The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Lord will “present to himself a church without spot or wrinkle . .
. holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27). When God’s people
offer themselves on the altar of sacrifice (Rom. 12:1) with a truly
surrendered heart to God, it is one of the most powerful ways
in which they are cured of being self-serving. Here, purification
is the removal of sinful tendencies and builds the ways of our
new nature in Christ (Col. 3:9; Eph. 4:22). Peter states that
those who have suffered for the cause of Christ find the power
of sin broken more and more in their life (1 Peter 4:1), because
they are giving up their rights and desires for the sake of the
I am not saying that redemptive suffering makes a believer
perfect; but when it is endured patiently and with trust towards
the Lord, it moves a believer to greater Christ-likeness. It is
clear that end-time believers will suffer more than any other
generation for the cause of Christ. In light of this, clearly they
will manifest the greatest maturity of any Christian generation.
the Lord our healer is willing to heal us. The type of suffering I am speaking of is how others chose to treat us for the cause of Christ.
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