The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Few of us are inclined to volunteer for redemptive suffering.
Yet, if we love and serve the Lord it will come in some form (2
Tim. 3:12).
We need to accept this truth and remember that no one can
face such trials in their own strength. We must lean into the
Holy Spirit, and keep close fellowship with those who will stand
with us in our time of struggle and challenge (2 Cor. 1:4-5; Heb.
Recently I read a report of over a million Christians in war-torn
Iraq, forced to flee persecution. Many were given an ultimatum:
Leave their homes within two days, or be killed. Many lost their
lives in this cruel persecution. Martyrdom is very much a reality
for many believers in our day and age.
As I have reflected on God’s audacious sacrificial love I have
come to understand two things. The first is that such self
sacrifice shows the great love God has for the lost. The second
is the purifying work and glory that such suffering produces in
the church.
It is important to point out that when God’s people suffer in fait h
for the cause of Christ - it does a deep and purifying work in their lives. 23 Scripture promises that the day will come when the
23 Please understand that this is suffering through persecution, and not sickness. There is no value in needless suffering through sickness when
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