The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
As I read this passage, the Lord impressed on my heart His
willingness to “spend” the lives of His precious saints to reach
the most hard-hearted and violent sinners.
As God’s people we must not make the rewards of th is
temporary life our focus, but instead the eternal life to come.
That does not mean we are not to enjoy this life, but we must
embrace God’s heart in drawing as many as possible into an
eternal life with Him in heaven. If that means we sacrifice time
here to gain more people there — then that is our love and
commitment to him. How long we live here is not the point. The
point is where everyone will live in eternity.
Jesus has never regretted dying for us, and we must not regret
sacrifices in our life for the cause of Christ. Paul wrote that no
human eyes nor ears nor the mind can see, hear or grasp the
amazing life God has prepared for us to live in eternity
(1Cor.2:9). God wants us to live an abundant life, but always
with the caveat that we are surrendered to His will and ready to
spend our lives for the glory of God and the salvation of all who
will come to Him (John 10:10).
It might seem to us that martyrdom and the suffering of
believers would be something God would seek to avoid. Yet,
God is willing to call His people to endure such trials to gain
one more son or daughter in eternity.
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