The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

people. Though Jim and his companions lost their own lives,

through Elizabeth’s work they inspired new mission volunteers

to live “sold - out” lives for Christ .

In dealing with God’s growing audacious revelation of Himself

and His message and His kingdom to the nations, I wanted to

be sure to highlight God’s audacious sacrificial love. Nowhere

in human history will you find a love story like God’s passion for


The amazing love of God that offered up Jesus for the saving

of the world, will also offer up His adopted children to provide

salvation for those He wants to save. Jesus said that those who

follow him must be willing to bear their cross also (Luke 9:23).

Does this seem wrong? Yet the Lord said five times in each of

the four gospels that we as believers must be willing to lose our

life in order to truly find our life (Matt. 10:39; 16:25; Mark 8:35;

Luke 9:24; John 12:25)

In Revelation 6, we see the opening of the prophetic seals of

things to come. When the fifth seal is opened we hear the cry

of the heavenly martyrs asking God to avenge their blood on

the forces of Antichrist (Rev. 6:9-10). God tells them to wait a

short while longer, because He is going to give the world a little

more time to decide for Christ – even though further martyrdom

will take place.

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