The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
recorded in scripture, and it would have been hard to catalog
all the amazing works that Jesus had done (John 20:30; 21:25).
Let me list a few of Jesus' more spectacular miraculous works.
He raised several people from the dead, including Himself (
John 11:43; Luke 7:14; Matt. 27:52-53). He turned water into
wine (John 2:9). He took a boy ’ s lunch and fed thousands of
people by multiplying it, at least two different times (Mark 8:20;
John 6:10f). He walked on water (Matt.14:27f) and He quieted
a raging storm (Luke 8:24).
Most impressive was His authority over demons and Satan
himself. Never had the Jewish nations seen such authority in
spiritual warfare. This alone was one of the miraculous
highlights of Jesus’ ministry (L uke 10:18-19). Jesus said this
type of miracle was the definitive sign of the coming of the
messiah's kingdom (Luke 11:20).
Most would not dispute that Jesus’ life and ministry were
amazing. But beyond Jesus' earthly achievements, He expects
the church to be even more amazing.
Many accept Jesus as divine and rationalize that His divinity
enabled him to perform miracles. After all He is God, isn’t He
— then and now? But that is wrong thinking.
Jesus was very clear: He did His audacious, miraculous works
by limiting Himself to the constraints of His humanity — relying
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