The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Kiel and Delitzsch see that these Gentile believers (formerly
adversaries) are now able to be priests to God, illustrative now
of the “priesthood” of every believer (1 Peter 2:5,9).
So, what war is Isaiah referring to? There is no way can we see
this war referring to the Antichrist war with Jesus, or the final
war of Satan with God. There is no way Antichrist would allow
his soldiers to evade getting his mark; and no survivor bearing
the mark of the beast could be used by God to finish the Great
Commission (Rev. 14:11). Plus, the main emphasis here is that
this war and its supernatural sign would “lead to” the fulfillment
of the Great Commission and the eventual inclusion of Israel
into the new covenant. The only war that meets these criteria
would be the war of Gog.
Zechariah 12 and 14
Let me review one more important reference to this war. In
Zechariah 12 and 14, the prophet speaks about two different
wars coming to Israel in the last days. The first one is a
supernatural success against a great army. The second one is
almost brings the death of the nation, requiring a direct
intervention by God’s Messiah. From our previous section, we
see the first war as the war with Gog and the second as the war
with Antichrist.
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