The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

In Zechariah 12 the prophet states that Israel in this first war is

going to become supernaturally bold and powerful, like a

destroying fire against a multinational army. They will seem to

be unbeatable, against all odds. But in the wake of the war it

will be clear to the Jews that their unusual strength and defense

was a work of God. That is consistent with the outcome of the

war with Gog (Zech. 12:1-9).

Along with this miraculous defense by God’s people, God will

pour out the spirit of repentance and prayer. God will remove

the spiritual stupor and hardness of heart from Israel

(Rom.11:8,25). This will inspire many Jews to recognize Jesus

as their messiah, starting a wave of repentance across the

nation. God will open a spiritual fountain of cleansing, drawing

more and more Jews to embrace Jesus (Zech. 12:10 - 13:1).

Putting all these prophetic passages together, we gain a clearer

picture of the war of Gog as an audacious work of God that will

help bring in the climatic harvest of God.

God turning enemies into evangelists is like the conversion of

Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, but on a monumental

scale. These former enemy soldiers will be so filled with a

testimony of the judicial and yet merciful glory of God (who

spared them) that they will become powerhouses in spreading

the gospel.

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