The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

When Gog’s army surrounds Israel, according to Kiel and

Deitzsch, God will create a supernatural sign (banner) that

causes the survivors of the enemy army to recognize God’s

hand in their defeat (Isa. 66:19). This supernatural sign will

convert the survivors of the enemy army — awed by God’s

dramatic intervention on behalf of Israel.

In response, these former enemy soldiers will become

evangelists who fan out to the unreached nations and people groups of the world , proclaiming God’s glory. 19 Consequently

they become willing participants in finishing the Great


The former enemy soldiers will also be used by God to

evangelize the Jewish people — accelerating the conversion of

Israel (vs. 20).

19 Kiel and Delitzsch, Old Testament Commentary , Isa.66:15-17; also see New Bible Commentary , Derek Kidner, Isa.66:15-17. Kiel and Delitzsch take the position that the war second Isaiah speaks of and its result takes place in this age not the Millennium. Kidner says Isaiah 66:15-21 is either evangelism taking place in the Millennium or at the end of this present age. The problem with the survivors of the antichrist's army being used for evangelism is that they would have of necessity taken the mark of the beast which would damn them and render them unusable for proclaiming the gospel.

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