The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Gog. First, let me review once more the relevant passages in
Ezekiel so you can better compare them with the other two
prophets' references.
Isaiah 66:15-21
In the last chapter of Isaiah, the prophet looks into the future
and sees the end of this age. What I want to focus on here is
the unusual commentary about verses 15- 21 in Isaiah 66 by
Keil and Delitzsch. They see these verses specifically dealing
with the final completion of the g entile church’s mission , and
the drawing of Israel into the new covenant that Paul refers to
in Romans 11:25-26.
The two commentators see in verse 18 God purposely
gathering the nations to war against His people to show them
His glory. God Himself is going to fight these nations with fire
and sword. In this way God is going to reveal His glory in this
The wording is interesting in this passage. As God reveals His
glory and power to these nations, there will yet be peoples in
distant lands and islands that have not yet heard of or seen
Jehovah’s glory and fame (vs.18b). The war is going to be a
dramatic moment of testimony to the glory and power of God,
which will go out to these unreached peoples.
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