The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Here is an amazing example of the goodness of the Lord

bringing many to repentance (Rom. 2:4).

Some have tried to identify this war as the one with Antichrist.

Again, this cannot be. In the chart, I have just shown you the

difference in motive and outcome of the war of Gog, compared

with the battle between Jesus and Antichrist. Further, the war

of Gog will not be during the tribulation, but some years before

Israel’s betrayal by Antichrist. This will be a time when Israel is

at peace and very prosperous, tempting Gog to attack and take

Israel’s wealth.

Also, the War of Gog plays a big part in beginning the national

conversion of Israel — as well as helping to finish the Great

Commission. The German biblical scholars Keil and Delitzsch

point out in their Old Testament Commentary that it is this war

that begins to answer Paul’s prayer for the conversion and restoration of Israel (Rom.11:25). 18

The Great Commission ’s Surprise Finish

In my research I found several remarkable parallel passages

from the prophets Isaiah and Zechariah about this war with

18 Keil and Delitzsch, Old Testament Commentary, Isaiah 66: 20

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