The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

time work of God and His church. With that in mind, l et’s look

at the details of this war and its impact on the world.

The timing is very clear. Israel will have been restored as a

nation for some time. It will have become very prosperous and

rich. The nation is also described as one having cities with “no

walls, gates, or bars.” Such a description points to a time when

the nation will be at peace and will be vulnerable to any attack.

Ezekiel continues to describe this future Israel as a people who

have been regathered from the various nations, after having

been destroyed in the past and scattered to various parts of the

earth (Ezek. 38:10-13).

We know that many of God’s people at the time of Ezekiel’s

prophecy would have been thinking of Jeremiah’s promise of

the restoration of Israel after 70 years of captivity (Jer. 2 9:9).

But when Israel was again destroyed in 70 A . D ., God did not

protect the nation against the Roman army that came to

decimate it. Nor was the Roman army an alliance of nations

from the far north.

Only with the restoration of Israel as a nation in 1948, and the

rise of powerful nations in the far northern regions of Euro-Asia,

did the possibility emerge of such an alliance coming against


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