The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

As I studied this war in scripture, it became clear to me that God

is going to powerfully use it to reveal himself to Israel and the

world. The conflict will be a critical component in God shaking

the nations and finishing the Great Commission. That may

seem difficult to accept, but read on and decide for yourself.

Shocking Headlines

Allow me to sketch a scenario of news agencies tracking this

future war, leveraging the descriptions the biblical text. As Gog

and his army make a sudden unprovoked move against Israel,

we might see bulletins saying:

The Northern Alliance along with key middle eastern allies under the leadership of Prince Gog has unexpectedly marched against Israel with the largest combined international force ever assembled in modern history. Is this the war that will sweep Israel from the middle east?

You can be sure that the onset of hostilities will be a news

sensation. FOX and CNN will definitely cover it. Ezekiel

certainly did.

What is striking to me is the extent to which the Holy Spirit

inspired Ezekiel to put down a prophetic account of this war, in

scripture. We can only conclude that it is important to the end

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