The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter Thirteen.

The War of Gog

On June 5, 1967, Israel launched what is known today as the

“Six Day War . ” Israel had to face 2 -to1 odds against a

combined five-nation Arab army that surrounded them,

threatening their existence.

On the first day of that war, Israel destroyed the combined air

force of the Arab alliance. By June 7 Israel had destroyed the

enemy tank force in the Sinai desert; and by June 10 Israel had

more than doubled the size of its own territory. The war was a

military disaster for the Arab nations — demoralizing them and

establishing Israel as the dominant military force in the Mideast.

The world looked on in astonishment at the military

achievements of this small but powerful nation. But scripture

tells us that another such war is coming to Israel in the last days

— so astonishing that it will make the Six Day War seem puny

by comparison.

In Ezekiel 38 and 39 we find an extended prediction of a future

war between Israel and an international army made up of many

nations seeking its destruction. This war is called the war of


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