The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
A time when men and women, through Christ, will enjoy
worshipping boldly in the presence of God just like David did —
unhindered by any veil, not barred from some inner sanctum.
Amos depicts a spiritual fruitfulness among the nations, one like
lush grapes bursting with new wine flowing down the sides of
the mountains of the new Zion (Amos 9:13b; Heb. 12:22).
We have another double prophecy here, looking beyond a
physically restored and prosperous Old Testament Israel.
Through James, the Holy Spirit allows us to discern in Amos’
word a supernatural harvest for the church at the end of this
Amos 9:13 we see that the time will come in the mission of the
church when “… the reaper will be overtaken by the
plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. ” The
“new wine” of the gospel will drip from the mountains and flow
from all the hills (that is, the nations). 16
What causes my heart great joy is the clear promise that toward
the end of this age the church will experience this continual,
16 In Isa2 and Zech. 8:22, we see the mountains and hills as references to the nations and their kingdoms. Consequently we see a clear prediction of the new wine (the gospel) flowing down or covering the nations as promised (Hab. 2:14).. 2:1-
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