The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

The Holy Spirit caused James to recognize the parallel

between the divine grace extended to David, despite David’s

departure from the demands of law in worshiping God, and

Paul’s message of faith alone to the Gentiles. James was able

to connect the dots between the passage in Amos and the

freedom to extend salvation to the gentiles by faith, apart from

the Law.

But there is yet one more momentous insight contained in

Amos’ prophetic word.

Nonstop Harvesting

I have traveled to Israel, and I must say — that nation has

become an agricultural wonder. Our tour guide told us that

Israeli farmers commonly bring in seven or more harvests every

year, thanks to the sophisticated farming techniques they have


But by no stretch of the imagination could we clalim that modern

lsrael is experiencing the supernatural harvest predicted by


The prophetic passage cited by James is excerpted from a

more extensive blessing of a future Israel — which points to the

spiritual blessing of the gospel saving gentiles by grace alone.

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