The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

simultaneous sowing and reaping of multitudes of people and

nations into the Kingdom of God.

As fast as people hear the gospel, they will respond to it. But

what happens then? That is our crucial responsibility.

Study and Reflection

1. Review Amos 9:11-13 and Acts 15:5-29. We see that the

Holy Spirit inspired James, the brother of Jesus, to discern

a deeper meaning in Amos’ prediction of the restoration of

David’s kingdom. Consider the impact of James ’ words on

the “Judaizing” element of the early church through the

insight that vindicated Paul ’s and Bar nabas’ preaching (that

salvation comes through faith alone). Are there people

today who need to better understand that truth?

2. James goes on to refer to David’s tent — into which David

had taken the Ark of the Covenant from its sequestered

place in the Mosaic tabernacle, after bringing it to

Jerusalem. There David installed a prophetic style of

worship that was later practiced in the temple of Solomon

— though all of this violated Mosaic Law concerning the Ark

and the tabernacle. And yet God in His mercy and grace

allowed it. Consider this as a foretaste of the uhindered

worship we will enjoy before God through Jesus Christ

before God (see Heb. 4:16).

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