The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

fact was an outright violation of Mosaic law about how Israel

was to worship God. Within the Mosaic tabernacle (according

to God’s detailed specifications given in Exodus, beginning at

Chapter 25) the Ark of the Covenant was to rest within the

“most holy place” inside the tabernacle — literally the inner

sanctum — and was never to be seen or even approached

except on certain special occasions, and then only by following

a strict priestly protocol.

Yet David, who hungered for the presence of God and wanted

it at the center of his new kingdom, removed the Ark from its

sanctum in the Mosaic tabernacle and brought it up to

Jerusalem! There he placed it in a large tent, where he and

others could directly approach God’s presence in worship. In

doing this, David introduced an entirely new form of prophetic

worship (2 Sam. 6), which later was incorporated into the

worship with in Solomon’s temple.

How could David apparently take such tremendous liberties yet

not be punished by God? The answer is obvious. God loved

David’s heart towards Him (1 Sam. 13:14, Acts 13:22), and

extended grace to David and all Israel so that they could

worship in this new way — regardless of how Mosaic law had

been violated. Really, this was nothing less than a foretaste of

Hebrews 4:16, where believers can come boldly before the

“throne of grace” to worship and to seek God for His help

through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

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