The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Chapter Twelve
A Continuous Harvest
As I noted in the previous chapter, during the days of the Jesus
Movement it seemed so easy for the kids at Maranatha House
— and even members of my church — to find people open to
the gospel and ready to receive Christ as their savior. It was
almost like they were falling into our laps.
But then the pace changed. Our evangelism ride shifted out of
cruise control into low gear, and finally we foud ourselves stuck
at stop-and-go. Sadly, we realized the movement was drawing
to a close.
While it lasted, it was thrilling. Yet, as extraordinary as the
Jesus Movement was, it won’t hold a candle to the explosive
evangelism that God is poised to release into His next
worldwide movement. We have his Word on that.
The Bible offers another very specific Old Testament promise
about what is coming, in the form of what we might call an
“agricultural conundrum” — nonstop planting and nonstop
harvesting . Of the same field! The Bible prophesies
simultaneous sowing of the gospel and reaping of people into
the Kingdom of God.
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