The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Study and Reflection

1. Review Zechariah 8:18-23. To appreciate its deeper

meaning we must approach this Old Testament prophecy

using a New Testament paradigm. Anything God does at

the end of this age will happen through those in God’s new

covenant — which means the church. Review Jeremiah

31:31 and Luke 22:30.

2. When we view Mount Zion through the lens of Hebrews 12

:22-24, we see that it includes the church and its final work

in the last days. Review Isaiah 2:2-3; Micah 4:1-2. We must

maintain a New Testament perspective in considering the

fulfillment of these prophecies.

3. The “n ew temple ” to which God will come and in which He

will well in must be the church. Review 1 Corinthians 3:16

and I Peter 2:5 -9.

4. Once we understand the New Testament context of these

Old Testament passages, we can get excited about the 10

1 ratio of desperate unbelievers to believers around the

world. Reflect on how great is the need for the church to

prepare for a rapid, enormous harvest.

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