The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter Eleven

Ten-to-One Ratio

In 1971 our church decided to launch a “drop - in center” for kids

in the local high school who were struggling with drugs. For

help, we brought in two young leaders who had been saved

and discipled through the Jesus movement in San Francisco.

They were fresh out of the hippie drug culture themselves, so I

thought they could relate to our high school kids who had

started experimenting with drugs.

But these young men cut a very different image than the typical

youth at the school: They had long hair, holes in their jeans,

wore flip-flops, and carried big Bibles.

Though our country was going through a radical cultural shift at

the time, locally there was still a real social disconnect between

these Jesus kids and the existing high school culture — where

teachers still came to school wearing ties and coats, or dresses,

and where there was an established dress code for the


Needless to say, our experiment bombed. The school actually

ended up calling the police to bar our drop-in center leaders

from hanging around the campus.

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